Efteling ticket
Discover the largest amusement park in the Netherlands full of exciting roller coasters, enchanting attractions and spectacular park shows. A unique park, surrounded by nature. Book your ticket online here!
Discover the largest amusement park in the Netherlands full of exciting roller coasters, enchanting attractions and spectacular park shows. A unique park, surrounded by nature. Book your ticket online here!
Beste gast,
Wij willen u informeren over tijdelijke omleidingen rond ons hotel door wegwerkzaamheden. Er worden bebording en omleidingen geplaatst.
Weekend 1: 6 t/m 9 september
Vanuit alle richtingen kunt u omleidingsroute 3: 8600-9000 volgen.
Weekend 2: 13 t/m 15 september
De zuidelijke rijbaan van de Ringbaan-Zuid is open. Komt u vanaf de Blaakweg, A58 of N630? Dan kunt u via de Ringbaan-Zuid de Dr. Hub van Doorneweg gewoon bereiken. Komt u vanuit oostelijke richting? Volg dan omleidingsroute 1 Tilburg-West.
Wij danken u voor uw begrip en wensen u een prettig verblijf.
Dear guest,
We would like to inform you about temporary road diversions around our hotel due to roadworks. Signage and diversions will be in place.
Weekend 1: September 6th to 9th
From all directions, you can follow diversion route 3: 8600-9000.
Weekend 2: September 13th to 15th
The southern lane of the Ringbaan-Zuid is open. If you are coming from Blaakweg, A58, or N630, you can reach Dr. Hub van Doorneweg via Ringbaan-Zuid as usual. If you are coming from the east, please follow diversion route 1 Tilburg-West.
Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you a pleasant stay.